Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED)

Why YOU Should be a Sponsor and Exhibitor

  1. Meet customers from leading companies such as: IBM, Intel, Texas Instruments, Altera, Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor Graphics, and others
  2. Demonstrate your leadership in the latest IOT, Smart Sensors, Analog, Digital, Mixed-Signal, SOC, FPGA designs, EDA tools, Semicondctor Manufacturing, Packaging and Test capabilities.
  3. Respond to current needs to cut development time and cost, improve quality and do more with less
  4. Reach important Asian customers inexpensively and conveniently

Sponsorship Package

Download the Sponsorship Package


Exhibit Package

Download the Exhibitor Kit


To Participate as a Sponsor or Exhibitor

Contact: Ali Iranmanesh
Tel: +1.650-868-8844
Fax: 14085168228 (toll free - USA)